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  • Postals and General Funshoot - .22 and air pistol and rifle

Lincoln County Rifle Club                          Safety, Sportsmanship, Responsibility, Respect 

Postals and General Funshoot - .22 and air pistol and rifle

  • January 09, 2020
  • 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM (EST)
  • Club house - Damariscotta

For those who signed up for the winter Postal matches in December, Thursday evening can be the time to get together with others to shoot.  Also welcome are those who have not signed up for the Postals but want to practice with their .22 rifle, .22 pistol, or air rifle and pistol.  On occasion some folks practice with their centerfire pistols but it is not the focus of the gathering.  Postals are matches where Clubs around the State shoot the same type of targets and, these days rather than mail in the scores, the scores get emailed to Maine Rifle and Pistol Assoc for tabulation to see which Club did the best.   As with the Wednesday night shoots, it is a good way to socialize with members through the dark days of winter.  The time for meeting is fluid as some people show up as early as 4 and leave early and others show up later in the evening at 5:30 or so.

Lincoln County Rifle Club | Safety, Sportsmanship, Responsibility, Respect | Since 1933

431 Main Street | PO Box 826 | Damariscotta, ME 04543

Copyright 2019 Lincoln County Rifle Club

The Lincoln County Rifle Club is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.

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