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  • Buffalo Gong Match Shoot

Lincoln County Rifle Club                          Safety, Sportsmanship, Responsibility, Respect 

Buffalo Gong Match Shoot

  • August 02, 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • LCRC, Damaraiscotta, ME

Buffalo Gong Shoot

There will be events for the following firearm classes, all models in the spirit of the era, 1896 and earlier. Original rifles or modern reproduction rifles are acceptable. The Match Director will review admission of any rifles deemed to be of questionable style, chambering or thought to be improperly equipped.

Sporting Rifle: Rifles will be single shot, exposed hammer, and breech loading. For example, most entrants will shoot Sharps Rifles, Remington Rolling Blocks or Winchester High Walls. Front sights are blade or globe. Rear sights are open, peep or Soule type. No scopes, hooked butt plates or palm rests. Metallic cartridges are to be loaded with black powder, black powder substitute or smokeless powder. Lead bullets only. Calibers of .375 or larger. Most entrants in this class will shoot rifles chambered in .45-70 Gov.

Military Rifle: Original or modern reproductions. All external parts must be of the type originally issued including sights. Single shot, exposed hammer and breech loading. Lead bullets only. Caliber must be as originally issued. For example, most entrants in this class shoot Springfield Trapdoor rifles or carbines chambered in .45-70 Gov.

Cowboy Action Rifle: Lever action, smokeless or black powder cartridge. Must be of a pistol caliber, no magnums. For example, most entrants shoot Model 1866 or 1873 Winchester reproduction rifles chambered in .44-40 or .45LC. Model 1885 Marlin lever guns, Model 1892 & 1894 Winchester’s of the appropriate chambering are acceptable as are Model 1860 Henry Rifles.

Open sights. Tang sights are acceptable at the discretion of the Match Director. Lead bullets only.

Single Action Cowboy Revolver: Black or smokeless powder cartridge or percussion black powder revolvers are allowed. .32 through .45 calibers, lead bullets or round balls only. Exposed hammer, single action six shot revolvers, original or modern reproductions characteristic of the era.

Traditional Muzzle Loader: Flintlock or Percussion rifles with exposed hammer. Lead bullet or round ball of .36 caliber or larger. Iron sights. No modern “in line” rifles or plastic sabots.

.22 Rifle: This is intended for vintage or modern single shot or lever action .22 rifles with ironsights. Target rifles with full aperture globe sights, palm rests, and hooked butt plates are not allowed. Scopes are not allowed. Semi-auto rifles are not allowed. Twenty-two caliber inserts for single shot buffalo type rifles (Sharps, Rolling blocks, Winchester 1885) are allowed. .22 LR ammunition only.

A match consists of shooting 25 rounds for record at metal gongs placed at intervals between 50 and 200 yards. Off hand, shooting stick and bench rest positions are used. A long-range 300-yard side event for Sporting and Military class rifles will take place along with a 50 yard event for Single Action Cowboy Revolvers.
There is a $15 entry fee for one rifle class and a fee of $5 for each additional class.
For information please contact Dave Hanson at 677-3724

Lincoln County Rifle Club | Safety, Sportsmanship, Responsibility, Respect | Since 1933

431 Main Street | PO Box 826 | Damariscotta, ME 04543

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