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  • Frozen Fingers .22 lr Match - 200 yd

Lincoln County Rifle Club                          Safety, Sportsmanship, Responsibility, Respect 

Frozen Fingers .22 lr Match - 200 yd

  • March 22, 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Club property - Damariscotta, Maine

The Tradition Continues – 2025 Frozen Everything & Bring
Home the Bacon Shoot - An Early Spring Spectacle

.22 Rimfire 200 Yard Shoot

All you shooters who made the FF&FT 100 yard 22 rimfire event and all those who wished they had, here is your chance to see what you and your rifle can accomplish at 200 yards….yes you are reading it correctly….200 yards. Join us at Lincoln County Rifle Club on Saturday, March 22nd (bad weather date is Sunday March 23) for the continuation of a Spring classic, FE&BHTBS). Start time is 10AM.

This is a .22 rimfire, Long Rifle, Long or Short, event only (no .22 mags, or any
other rimfire variant), and will be shot at 200 yards. We will shoot 3 targets…one warmup target, then two targets for record. Each record target is 10 shots for a total possible of 200-20X. Each match will be 15 minutes long (extended given the range). Every competitor is responsible for mounting and retrieving their own targets, unless you can find a good Samaritan.

Use whatever scope you want, and there will be a separate Iron-Man class for
those shooting Irons.

Cost will be $15 for the event. The extra 3 bucks is to help the club cover the costs of the expensive, larger splash targets, which make seeing bullet holes easier.

We will use a round target for those shooting IRON SIGHTS.

Prizes will be the usual and well received meat awards. Everyone goes home with something other, hopefully not a bruised ego and dirty rifle.

Contact Arnold Haley or Greg Palman with questions.
Roget116@spectrum.net(Primary Schuetzenmeister) or glpalman@rivah.net
Secondary Schuetzenmeister)

Lincoln County Rifle Club | Safety, Sportsmanship, Responsibility, Respect | Since 1933

431 Main Street | PO Box 826 | Damariscotta, ME 04543

Copyright 2019 Lincoln County Rifle Club

The Lincoln County Rifle Club is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization.

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